49092 m2
The property falls within four different planning zones: -Zone Kα6 (residential) with 90% building density, 50% coverage, a maximum of 2 floors and a maximum height of 10m. -
Zone ΕΔΑ1α with 90% building density, 50% coverage, a maximum of 2 floors and a maximum height of 10m. -
Zone Δα2 with 1% building density, 1% coverage, a maximum of 1 floor and a maximum height of 5m. -
Zone Γα2 with 6% building density, 6% coverage, a maximum of 2 floors and a maximum height of 7m.
Price is Plus VAT
The property falls within four different planning zones: -Zone Kα6 (residential) with 90% building density, 50% coverage, a maximum of 2 floors and a maximum height of 10m. -
Zone ΕΔΑ1α with 90% building density, 50% coverage, a maximum of 2 floors and a maximum height of 10m. -
Zone Δα2 with 1% building density, 1% coverage, a maximum of 1 floor and a maximum height of 5m. -
Zone Γα2 with 6% building density, 6% coverage, a maximum of 2 floors and a maximum height of 7m.
Price is Plus VAT