The field is located 915m southeast of the traditional center of the community and a few meters to the main road leading to Kofinou community.
The has irregular shape and slopy surface.
It is abutted by a dirt road with a frontage of 30m.
The property lies within Planning Zone Z1 (Natures Protection Zone) with a maximum building ratio of 6%, coverage ratio of 6%, on 2 floors and maximum height of 8,30m.
The field is located 915m southeast of the traditional center of the community and a few meters to the main road leading to Kofinou community.
The has irregular shape and slopy surface.
It is abutted by a dirt road with a frontage of 30m.
The property lies within Planning Zone Z1 (Natures Protection Zone) with a maximum building ratio of 6%, coverage ratio of 6%, on 2 floors and maximum height of 8,30m.