Field in Perivolia community of Larnaca district. It is situated at a distance approximately 3 km south of Larnaca airport and approximately 1.3 km west from the local beaches.
The corner property has a square shape and an inclined surface. It abuts onto a public registered road along its western and northern boundary with total frontage of approximately 135 meters.
Within the property, there are some economically obsolete structures/caravans. The property is occupied.
The property falls within the Protection Zone Z1, having a building density of 6%.
It is noted that the property falls within the consolidation area.
Field in Perivolia community of Larnaca district. It is situated at a distance approximately 3 km south of Larnaca airport and approximately 1.3 km west from the local beaches.
The corner property has a square shape and an inclined surface. It abuts onto a public registered road along its western and northern boundary with total frontage of approximately 135 meters.
Within the property, there are some economically obsolete structures/caravans. The property is occupied.
The property falls within the Protection Zone Z1, having a building density of 6%.
It is noted that the property falls within the consolidation area.