Industrial field in Panagia Evaggelistria quarter, in Dali municipality of Nicosia district. It is situated approximately 2.2 km east of Nicosia – Limassol - Larnaca.
It has a regular shape with an inclined surface and it is landlocked. The property is located approximately 250 meters south of the nearest registered road.
The property falls within the Industrial Zone (Category B) Ba3 (93%), having a building density of 100% and within the Protection Zone Δα4* (7%), having a building density of 10% .
*Property is partially subject to vat.
Industrial field in Panagia Evaggelistria quarter, in Dali municipality of Nicosia district. It is situated approximately 2.2 km east of Nicosia – Limassol - Larnaca.
It has a regular shape with an inclined surface and it is landlocked. The property is located approximately 250 meters south of the nearest registered road.
The property falls within the Industrial Zone (Category B) Ba3 (93%), having a building density of 100% and within the Protection Zone Δα4* (7%), having a building density of 10% .
*Property is partially subject to vat.