This asset is in the Kaimakli light industrial area, Nicosia.
The property has a land area of 7,479sqm. Five buildings exist on the plot and are considered obsolete.
The immediate area of the asset is a well developed industrial area comprising of warehouses, factories and showrooms that enjoys easy access to the centre of Nicosia.
The asset falls within light industrial planning zone Βδ2, with building density coefficient of 50%, coverage coefficient 50%, in 1 floor and 5,5m maximum height.
This asset is in the Kaimakli light industrial area, Nicosia.
The property has a land area of 7,479sqm. Five buildings exist on the plot and are considered obsolete.
The immediate area of the asset is a well developed industrial area comprising of warehouses, factories and showrooms that enjoys easy access to the centre of Nicosia.
The asset falls within light industrial planning zone Βδ2, with building density coefficient of 50%, coverage coefficient 50%, in 1 floor and 5,5m maximum height.