Agricultural piece of land of 1617 square meters is for sale in Aradippou. Building Density 10%, Coverage ratio 10% and Zone 3. The land has a registered official road, it is located in a beautiful area next to villas, near Rizoeliaroundabout and has an easy access to the highway of Nicosia, Limassoland Paralimni. It has water, electricity and it is situated just 50 meters close to the Residential area. It is worth to mention that this piece of land has many possibiliteis to enter the Residential zone, as a result the increase of its value. This is a great opportunityfor an investment!
Agricultural piece of land of 1617 square meters is for sale in Aradippou. Building Density 10%, Coverage ratio 10% and Zone 3. The land has a registered official road, it is located in a beautiful area next to villas, near Rizoeliaroundabout and has an easy access to the highway of Nicosia, Limassoland Paralimni. It has water, electricity and it is situated just 50 meters close to the Residential area. It is worth to mention that this piece of land has many possibiliteis to enter the Residential zone, as a result the increase of its value. This is a great opportunityfor an investment!