Agricultural land of 1719 square meters is now available for sale in Aradippou area in Larnaca. The land is in zone 4, it has a building density of 10% and a coverage ratio of also 10%, with allowance of 2 floors (7 meters) It is next to a house, it has electricity, water and a frontage of 80 meters to asphalt. Suitable for a house, agricultural warehouse or a garden. For additional details, please contact us.
Agricultural land of 1719 square meters is now available for sale in Aradippou area in Larnaca. The land is in zone 4, it has a building density of 10% and a coverage ratio of also 10%, with allowance of 2 floors (7 meters) It is next to a house, it has electricity, water and a frontage of 80 meters to asphalt. Suitable for a house, agricultural warehouse or a garden. For additional details, please contact us.