Two fields in Aradippou, Larnaca.
The asset is located c. 2,8km of Rizoelia roundabout and 2,1km of Kalo Chorio village.
The asset has a total area of 11,576sqm and is landlocked (c. 180m from the nearest registered road).
The immediate area comprises of agricultural and undeveloped parcels of land.
The asset falls within agricultural planning zone Γα4 with 10% building density, 10% coverage, 2 floors and a maximum height of 7m.
Two fields in Aradippou, Larnaca.
The asset is located c. 2,8km of Rizoelia roundabout and 2,1km of Kalo Chorio village.
The asset has a total area of 11,576sqm and is landlocked (c. 180m from the nearest registered road).
The immediate area comprises of agricultural and undeveloped parcels of land.
The asset falls within agricultural planning zone Γα4 with 10% building density, 10% coverage, 2 floors and a maximum height of 7m.